Author: Tournament Organizers
2nd Songkran Soccer 7s Finals
2nd Songkran Soccer 7s Finals
Open Cup Semi-Final
1 : Deals on Wheels vs TSLC : 2
2 : Joy Dive vs PCH FC : 0
Open Cup Final
0 : TSLC vs Joy Dive : 1
Open Cup Champions : Joy Dive
Open Cup Runners-Up : TSLC
Open Bowl Semi-Final
2 : ST FC vs Hong Kong Falcons : 1
3 : Hollandse Fc vs Singapore Pirates : 5
Open Bowl Final
1 : ST FC vs Singapore Pirates : 2
Open Bowl Champions : Singapore Pirates
Open Bowl Runners-Up : ST FC
Masters Cup Final
1 : Deals on Wheels vs Hong Kong All Stars : 3
Masters Bowl Champions : Hong Kong All Stars
Masters Bowl Runners-Up : Deals on Wheels
2013 Andaman & Phuket Soccer 7s
Hi Everyone,
We are now taking expressions of interest for the 2013 Andaman & Phuket Soccer 7s.
16/17 Nov – Open, Masters O’35s (born 1978 and before) & Womens
23/24 Nov – Open, Masters O’40s (born 1973 and before)
Participating teams last year tournament will be given preference until 1st June 2013.
If your team is not in the following list for the 2013 Andaman & Phuket Soccer 7s, thanks to contact us ASAP for registration. KL Misfits, Malaysian Grasshoppers, French Team 1, French Team 2, Alexander Fiona FC, Hong All Stars, PJ Wildest, Welcome Sydney, Boca’s Juniors, Bombay Gymkhana, Hanoi Drink Team, Hibernians Singapore, Savills FC, Shanghai Krauts, Shanghai Lions, Boca Seniors, CinemaOnline, Hanoi Drink Team Masters, Hibernians Singapore, Hong All Stars Masters, Northern Lions, Savills FC, Singapore Nord, Spartans FC, Rangers FC.
Please noted that this year, each category will be limited to 20 teams maximum.
Online form registration for teams
Songkran Soccer 7s Welcome Letter
Happy Songkran!
We welcome you to the 2nd Songkran International Soccer 7s. Songkran is the traditional Thai New Year. This is the time for Thais to pay homage to Buddha images, clean their houses, and sprinkle water on their elders in a show of respect. Anyone who ventures out on the streets is likely to get a thorough dousing of water, all in good fun, but also quite welcome at the peak of the hot season.
Due to the number of teams we will hold this tournament over one day only but you will still enjoy the same number of games and parties as you would if it was a two day tournament. It will just give you some more time to enjoy the festivities of Songkran.
The magnificent Thanyapura Sports and Leisure Center will again be the venue for the tournament and our parties will be at the usual Soi Crocodile and Taipan Discotheque venues. It will be impossible to remain dry during these parties so embrace the tradition of Songkran.
Special thanks to Molten provider of the VG5000 soccer balls and The Phuket News our tournament media partner.
Enjoy the tournament and have a great time in Phuket.
Alain & Tim
Tournament Organisers
Songkran Soccer 7s Welcome Letter
Hong Kong All Stars Masters Bowl Cup Champion
Hong Kong All Stars are the 2012 Champion of the Masters Bowl Phuket International Soccer 7s.
All Thai Soccer 7s VDOs can be viewed at
Phuket Patong Nightlife VDO
Phuket Patong Nightlife VDO, all you can share when you are rocking bangla road during the Phuket Soccer 7s tournaments in Phuket Island, Thailand.
2010 Phuket Patong Nightlife VDO filmed and edited by our friend
All Thai Soccer 7s VDOs can be viewed at
2008 Phuket Soccer 7s VDO Celebration
2008 Phuket Soccer 7s VDO Celebration at Tweety Bar in the Soi Crocodile in Bangla road (Patong Beach), with Tokyo Hibernians (Japan) and Shanghai Krauts (China).
All Thai Soccer 7s VDOs can be viewed at
2012 Phuket Soccer 7s by Russian Phuket TV
Russian TV Sport News report by Russian Phuket TV about the 2012 Phuket International Soccer 7s Tournament held on last November in Phuket Island, Thailand with over 90 teams from 25 countries.
VDO from the 2012 Phuket Soccer 7s by Russian Phuket TV.
All Thai 7s VDO can be viewed at
Phuket Womens Soccer 7s Facebook Page
The new Phuket Womens Soccer 7s Facebook Page is now online!
Thanks to visit the Facebook page at, then click “LIKE” if you want to support the organisers & ladies to boost the next Phuket Womens Soccer 7s (November 2013) as one of the top ladies soccer 7s tournament in Asia!